DataSpaceTime's Constructions are derived from the artist's ongoing practice of producing moving image works using custom browser-based code in conjunction with server technologies. The same process used for producing DataSpaceTime's Animated GIF Grid installation works, where videos are hand shot, broken apart, and reformulated to produce infinitely changing compositions of animated GIFs, is re-contextualized as a means to generate still image compositions. Constructions represent unique juxtapositions of imagery captured at precise moments within a randomly generating moving image environment. As a result, these still image Constructions represent a unique composition which cannot be reproduced.
The processes involved in producing Constructions allow the artists an alternative form of engagement with the imagery intrinsic to the original video material. This source imagery is reinterpreted through a reiterative process and layers of abstraction are accumulated through the manipulation of the original material. This allows the artists to further flatten the field of vision, converting the illusion of three dimensionality inherent to video formats to an "unreliable" two dimensional field which is challenging to visually decode in its entirety.
Constructions are unique mounted C-prints, dimensions variable.

"Finite Field B", 43 x 38.5 inches

"Finite Field A", 43 x 38.5 inches

“Finite Field B”, 43 x 38.5 inches

"Finite Fields A, B, C", installation view, Florida Atlantic University

"Finite Fields A, B, C", installation view, Florida Atlantic University

“Drone 1”, 38 3/4 x 43 1/2 inches

“Drone 3”, 38 3/4 x 43 1/2 inches

“Drone 2”, 38 3/4 x 43 1/2 inches

"Drones 1,2,3" (left), "Vespers" (right)

"Drones 1, 2, 3", installation view

Solar Flare 1

Solar Flare 2

“two impressions, awkwardly vying for prominence”, 17 3/4 x 60

“particles hanging unsubstantiated in the air (#2)”, 17 3/4 x 60 inches